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Avoid becoming a victim of scams and fraud!

  • Arrange to meet so the buyer can examine the item before payment
  • Be suspicious of too-good-to-be-true offers;
    there's probably a catch
  • Send money before you've seen the item
  • Send an item before you have been paid
Well known classified scams:
  • Cheap overseas phones (iPhones etc.)
  • Cheap laptops (MacBooks etc.)
  • Cheap loans (overseas)
  • Get rich programs
  • Advance funds fraud
  • Puppy scams

Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Fri Nov 29th

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Ordinance below set forth hereinafter designated as the; ORDINANCE AMENDING PART III, “BOARD OF HEALTH LEGISLATION”, CHAPTER 315 “KENNELS AND PET SHOPS”, SECTION 315-1, “DEFINITIONS” OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HILLSBOROUGH, COUNTY OF SOMERSET, STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Was introduced and passed by a first reading by title at a regular meeting of the Board of Health in and for the Township of Hillsborough, in the County of Somerset, on the 12th day of November, 2024; that the same was then entered to be published according to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 26:3-66 et seq. and the statutes in such case made and provided; and that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, December 10 at 7:00pm at the Board of Health Meeting in the Hillsborough Municipal Building. By order of the Board of Health In and for the Township of Hillsborough In the County of Somerset In the State of New Jersey 1x, HB, 11/29/24, Fee:$12.50
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